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(List of goods taxable __ 20%)
{Section 4(1)(c)}

1 a) Motor spirit used as fuel for Air craft including aviation turbine fuel
2 b) Other motor spirits (except Kerosene, Diesel oil and internal combustion oils) including petrol
3 c) Petroleum gas and natural gas (excluding cooking gas (LPG))
4 d) All other products obtained as derivatives of petroleum and/or natural gas
5 Non-potable Liquor, ie.
6 a) Rectified spirit
7 b) Denatured spirit
8 c) Methyl Alcohol
9 d) Absolute Alcohol
10 e) Any other alcohol which the State Govt. by notification in the official gazette declared to be non-potable for the purpose of entry
11 Liquor including Foreign Liquor, IMFL and Country Liquor
12 Molasses
13 Narcotics